The Mystic Mind Mentorship Circle Program is a safe and supportive space to grow your spiritual gifts and create more balance in your life!
This membership includes:
✅Access To The Private Facebook Group (Mystic Mind Mentorship Circle) to connect and discuss lessons with your online Cohort (learning group). Group coaching, guidance, and Q&A answers to help you get experienced answers on your path. (Affordable alternative to 1 to 1 mentorship programs)
✅Weekly interactive LIVESTREAMs (Angel Alignment, Spiritual Q & A Lives, channeling, etc.)
✅Access to the monthly Spirit Guide Power Hour Zoom Room Events (2x a month = $40 value savings)
✅ Access to the full Spirit Guide Power Hour REPLAY Vaults so you can listen at any time and catch any events that you missed. (major savings as you can review and work on past Zoom topics and meditations)
✅A 13-month Self-paced Online Mentorship Course with lessons for learning, balancing your energy, connecting with Spirit Guides, Moon Magick, Working With Angels To Make Change, Affirmation building & Manifestation, Releasing Traumas, Clearing & Shielding Practices, Working with the Violet Flame of Transmutation, Past Life & Akashic Records explorations, Reading Tarot & Oracles Cards, Pendulum work, Crystals, multiple types of healing work, and growing your spiritual gifts. ($400+ value savings)
✅Free energy reading when you attend Divination/Energy Reading LIVE Shows (Facebook, TikTok, or Instagram). ($25+/mo value savings)
✅ Discount & Early Access offers on Services & new Courses launched online! ($$$)
✨Trusted guidance from an experienced and certified practitioner of over 15 years!
✨This program has been designed to keep you Inspired & Engaged On Your Path!✨
✨If so, take that first step and join our
Monthly Mentorship Circle below for just $47/mo!✨